Thursday, July 14, 2011

Are Native Americans of Mongolian/Siberian/East Asian descent? (READ BELOW)?

I am 12.5% Colombian Native American. But this is PURE native american blood (that the Spanish had no contact with). So I was wondering if I was actually 12.5% East Asian. Honestly, I have always had a fascination with Asian people and their culture, so this is good news for me lol. But anyways, if u ever look at a Native American they actually do look Asian. Asiatic eyes, similar DNA, very straight hair, teeth structure, genetic diseases, etc are present among them. And the East Asians crossed over the Bering Straight thousands of years ago and those who had no contact with the Europeans mated with each other, so it was like Asians having babies with other Asians. So since my DNA was untouched by the Europeans, I was wondering if I actually am 12.5% Asian. If I actually am, please state the possible Asian cultures/groups I could trace my lineage to. Thank you! :)

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